I started researching board games to see what educational board games where out there for children at the moment. The boardgames i found were for a younger audience than i am planning to cater for, as i would like mine to be for secondary level, as some of the themes would be for an older child, as feminism is a more serious of a topic.
I looked on Toys R Us for some ideas of whats on the market.
I liked the format of this game, the classic move around the board game, although the context within the game has a totally different subject matter than what i would be thinking about using, but i like the idea of the different elements of the game, as i would like to make a game with different componants, like pieces for the player and question cards etc.
I also like the bright colours in the game, obviously designed to attract to the children, which is something i will be considering when designing the game. Although for the age range that i will be using as my audience, i would like to make it suitable for them and not use as many primary colours as i relate them to small children and i would want to produce a game that wouldnt be seen as for little kids as they would think it was 'lame'. Also i need to think about the topic itself and not make it look to 'kiddy', as the topic is quite serious, but also it is for children of a certain age so i will have to make it appealing to them and not make it boring.
I also found this game, which caught my eye as i liked the concept of how the game worked. The game works by giving the player a scenario and depending on the answer there is a consequence of either moving forward if they are right and backwards if wrong.
I think this would be a really good way to do the game i would be making. I could give a sheet to go with the game, informing the players on what feminism is, also some of the most influential feminist women, which would have a brief description of them and what they have done for the cause and movements etc. (This being educational). But then I will make scenario cards giving facts of what has happened in history that has feminist issues i.e. Women were not allowed to vote until 1920 - True or False, if they answer correctly they can move forward and if they don't they will stay on their square until their next turn.
For this to be able to work functionally, i will have to work out how the game will work for instance, how they will be able to see the answer. I will also have to gather a lot of facts about feminism and things that have happened in history that have made women suffer. e.g. laws that men can hit their wives with anything smaller than their fist etc.
Each of the famous feminists listed on the information sheet given will then be made in to the game pieces that the players can use to move around the board.
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