Thursday, 1 December 2016


After sending my tutor a copy of the chapter 2 of my dissertation, i had a tutorial and got some really good feedback.  
I received good feedback on my triangulation and what i had written on the different concepts and theorists. 
The only part i was told to change was the section on Carol J. Clover, as this is a key theory within my analysis of 3 films, so it was mentioned that this would be good to outline in the start of chapter 3.
Also, my opening sentence was pretty vague, i had discussed how second wave feminism was the catalyst for feminist film theory, but had failed to mention which points the theories capitalised on, and what Second wave feminism is. So this could potentially be a further 500 words if i explain this to the reader. i need to keep in mind whilst writing, that i should explain things as if the reader has never heard of any of this before.

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