These elements on the original board are squares in which the players have to pay money back to the banker, so these also have to have the same function on my version of the game, but all of these are related to buying property etc. and the bills that come with it, so these have no context within my game.
So the first thought was that i could have a look at what things women pay more for as women, for example Pink Tax.
So i did some research and these were the things that i found:
- Health Insurance - Women pay more for Health Insurance as they live longer than men, visit the doctor more and give birth. Although research has found that men create more cost in surgeries etc.
- Mortgages - Women pay more in Mortgages, which maybe due to earning less than men but nonetheless, they still have to pay more in total.
- Dry Cleaning - Although clothes are the same, women have to pay more for the same service
- Clothes - A study found that a plain, rolled up sleeve t-shirt for women in Topshop is £12, but for the same style T-Shirt, which could be argued that has more fabric use for the bigger size is £8 in Topman.
- Products - PinkTax - Women pay considerably more for products that are the same as men's for example, razors etc. just for them being a female product.
Although Dry Cleaning was mentioned in a few articles, i thought that this is not as widely used by males and females as the others. So i will use the other 4 examples to replace the original Squares on the board.
The only issue with this is that in the original game, they player hands over money instead of Votes, which is what i am using instead of currency. With these issues i am using are primarily consumerism issues, involving money, i have to think of a way this can still work on the game.
As the players will be playing as one of the women in the game, earning votes to tackle each individual feminist issue, i will mention in the rules that Women do pay more for these things in life, meaning that when society places these extra costs on to women, achieving their goals (votes for tackling the issues) can be set back. These set backs can cost them progression in their cause, meaning they have to give up so many Votes when landing on these squares.
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