Ive started developing the designs for the chance cards, I want to keep the colour scheme of purple and green as they are the suffragist colours. I started thinking how i could replace the original illustration on the card, with a female gender sign to represent feminism, but after consideration decided that feminism is about equality so a male and female sign would be better.
But after speaking to my housemate, she mentioned that i should use all of the gender signs. I think this is a great idea as there are so many different representations of gender now that using all of these symbols could encourage the children playing the game to question what they are, leading to further education outside the game.
I researched the fonts that Monopoly uses on their game to use on the chance cards. I did this mock up on Photoshop to show my idea in a more refined way. I like the finished product, although all the elements will be done in Illustrator, this shows how i would like to look in the end.
I will be using the chance cards as a tool to educate the players further with facts put into the actions in the card. Like this example, they might not all fully explain the example, for instance, this card explains how Vladimir Putin sends you to jail etc. but this is what he sent Pussy Riot to jail for in Russia as they protested in a church. I have done this as i will state all of the cards will be facts so the children might be urged to research this further and they will then be further educating themselves on the topic.
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