Thursday, 24 November 2016

Sampat Pal Devi

Sampat Pal Devi is another woman that i am choosing as one of my game pieces. She is the founder of the Gulabi Gang in India, famed for their opposition to domestic and other violence towards women. They dress in Pink sari's, armed with bamboo sticks, they pay abusive men a visit to try and change their ways.

I practiced using the cintiq for this image, i really enjoyed using it as you can have a lot more control. The only thing is this made me naturally add more and more detail as i was really enjoying it and got lost in the drawing. Although i really like this and could carry on, i think the more simplistic style of the previous game piece would work better with the target audience and the aesthetic of the original game being quite simplistic vector images, i think it would be best to keep these images simplistic and maybe try out illustrator.

Trying out Illustrator is quite daunting as i havent really used it before, but i think it would be really benefitial for the work im creating as vector images would work best.

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