Saturday, 3 December 2016

3D modelling for House and Hotel Replacement

My brother fortunately studied Game Design at University and after doing his masters now works for a game company, so he is very capable creating 3D models. I have asked him if he could create a 3D letter R design for me to send to 3D printers. 

For him, this is a pretty easy task and ive asked him to just try things out and send me screenshots.

He did a few straight away and sent them over to me.....

I liked this because of the symbolic reference, but as the 'R's are going to be so small, this could be quite small to notice.

This also looks good, but my comments were that the thickness of each R needs to be 1cm, as they need to be sturdy when stood up.

I sent this quick, basic sketch just to show the dimensions, but not that as i already specified measurements, but to show how it needs to be chunky and sturdy like the original plastic houses and hotels.

I am now waiting for more designs .

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