Thursday, 24 November 2016

Malala Yousafzai

The original game pieces in the Monopoly game don't add any context to my version of the game. Although well known by many players, i would like the game pieces in my game add another educational component within the game. I will do this by each game piece being a influential women, fighting for a certain cause, which the players will choose and subsequently play, winning votes for their individual cause.

This is Malala Yousafzai, she is a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, she was shot in the head when trying to attend school, she now leads a pioneering change in attitudes towards women, children, inequality, education in asian countries.

I had my first go playing with Photoshop creating a painting for one of the game pieces. I have only used Photoshop for touching up my analogue work before, so i signed out a tablet to experiment.

I kept it quite simple as the idea was make papercut game pieces, so i started with the same techniques, simple shapes of colour to build up an image.

After i finished, although it is just a practice with the technology, i think i am no longer going to make the pieces with paper, only as it wouldn't fit well with the digitally made components of the rest of the game. Also, if the game was going to be mass produced then it would be less time consuming and not as costly as making each piece out of paper.

I am really happy with this first attempt, it needs refining, which will come with practice and more control on the tablet but overall, im pretty happy with how it looks so far.

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