Friday, 4 November 2016

Peer Review

Today we had to present our concept/work to a small group of peers. I thought this was really helpful although I was worried as I haven't done a lot of sketching. I have been spending more time on my written work at the moment, which is something I have acknowledged and I am going to change this week. I have timetabled my work for time management and this helps a lot but I have been steering away from it over the past week, trying to get to grips with psychoanalysis. 

The feedback that I got from my peers was that I have a lot of research and stuff on my blog, which is really good, but it was mentioned a few times that the idea is complicated. I don't think this was mentioned in the way that I couldn't achieve it but more to factor this in. Once again this did make me think about my project, I love my idea so I wasn't questioning my overall concept of the monopoly game, but it made me panic about how I am actually going to change the format of the game to fit my educational topic on feminism. Although this set me into panic, I actually think this helps my development, I started to think about ways to change it straight away, as if the panic stimulated my thought process.

One thing that was mentioned was that I should think about keeping the money aspect within the game to keep the children (target audience) excited. I agreed, there does need to be a fun aspect of the game to make it desirable to children, although this is educational, I also have to remember that being a young age, education isn't always seen as fun and there needs to be a part of the game to motivate the children to play, hopefully the educational part being learnt without being a chore. The reason I am not so keen on money being the main drive of the game is that money is not involved within feminism (except equal pay), their fighting for justice, not cash. So I thought the one thing that they could possibly want is votes, votes for a cause that they are fighting for. These votes can be used in exactly the same way as the money in the original game, coming in £1, £5, £10, £20, £50, £100, £200, £500, except it will 200 votes etc.

This then got me to thinking that the votes are good idea but what are the votes for? There needs to be some drive to why the players need votes, this lead me to think about the game pieces that I will make. Originally the game pieces the children will use were going to be iconic women that are well known feminists, but in addition to this I am going to use well known feminists that are well known for fighting for a certain cause, for example, genital mutilation, equal pay, women voters etc. the player will then move around the board, aiming to get enough votes for their character to win their cause.

In addition, I started to think about the houses and hotels that you purchase for your  'street' etc. and how I would change this. Instead the players can use their votes to purchase rights on the squares, which will lead to opponents landing on their square and having to pay additional votes to the occupier.

The biggest thing that I was struggling with is the squares on the original monopoly board are places, streets etc. but I didn't know how to change this to fit with my game. I started to think about places in which are famous for historical and present feminist events and issues for example, ascot etc. but this could end up being broad and wouldn't fit with the votes currency and buying rights for it. I spoke about this with my tutor and he was very helpful, he mentioned that I could possibly combine all the squares of each colour and categorize them to specific issues, for instance, all the red squares represent female genital mutilation, then each off the squares within the category will be a different country, in this case it would be Africa, India and Pakistan for example. So the object of the game would be to get as many sets as possible and pay with votes for as many rights within each category and country.

I am really happy with these decisions, and I feel like I could have only come up with this in the peer review. I did get more comments which I am going to take on board for instance the colour scheme of the suffragettes and maybe using that within the game. I really need to research more on the details of the game and start designing the packaging etc. I would like to finish my research before finishing any designs as I think I could always find more information out that could change something but to start sketching ideas out would be good and I could also start experiment using more digital processes as this is what I will be using for my final piece to create something really crisp and professional.

For the next crit I also need to find a way to generate more primary research for my practical work, I can't do a lot of primary research for my written aspect of cop so I am going to utilise my time to get some for this. I thought about contacting some feminists but my tutor thought it was a bit far fetched, which I agree, but he did mention just asking women in General, which made me feel stupid like I should have thought about that. I think it's a great idea, I can ask their experiences as a woman, if there are any feminist issues that they feel more passionate about etc.

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