I have now decided which feminist issues will be placed where on the board.
Brown Squares - Equal Pay
Light Blue Squares - Violence Against Women - Domestic etc.
Pink Squares - Female Genital Mutilation
Orange Squares - Gender Stereotypes
Red Squares - Employment Discrimination
Yellow Squares - Education for Girls
Green Squares - Reproductive Rights
Dark Blue - Maternal Leave and Daycare
Unlike the original monopoly board, the placement of each issue does not represent different levels of importance, they have been placed at random.
I will also be keeping the same currency value on each square within each category as it is on the original game, this is purely for the function of the game, not a reflection of how important each issue or county is.
I questioned this for quite a while but i have come up with the idea that for the function of the game, it is necessary for there to be different values so that the game works and there can be a winner. To solve the problem of the game looking bias towards issues, i will clearly state in the rules that the placement of the issues and the values of each squares are purely for the function of the game and are picked at random, im not saying any issue is more important than another.
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