Monday, 23 November 2015

COP Lecture - Reading Texts & Writing about that Reading

Key Texts/essay Briefing/ Link to Thematic Lectures

At least 5 academic sources, sources which have been peer reviewed
digitised sources of academic writing

'Hidden Persuaders' Packard 1957

'Subculture:The Meaning of Style' Dick Hebdige 1979

Radical, Original, Creative end up becoming conventional, making new industries

Harvard Referencing!

COP Lecture - The Flipped Classroom

Radical models of education

Model of teaching were you flip the control so the students are more in charge
  • Not ans expert relaying information where students passively listen and go do homework
  • Organising your own learning, more engaging, deeper learning
  • Rather than lectures, students find own info and read in class i.e. teaching themselves
Jacques Ranciere - latest french philosopher, he's really popular in arts and a very famous radical. His works have only just been translated into English.

'Ignorant Schoolmaster'
'The Politics of Aesthetics'

May 1968 Paris

Eruption of civil unrest, led by students and young people against prevailing social order. Workers get behind students, strikes in factories, revolution.

They were pissed off that uni was for the elitist, middle and upper classes could only afford it. They only specialised in courses and was disadvantaging them, training you to be a cog in a machine. They were also very racist.

Hippy counter culture. Young against the old and try to take charge. They distributed revolutionary leaflets and things written by Wilheim Reich.

Structures and conventions of society has suppressed humanity.

Changing and occupying universities and used as bases and locked in for a good while, named it under them and offered it to anyone of any race, class etc.

L'Ecole de Beux Arts - Seized print rooms on May 14th and created art for the revolution

'Sous les paves, la plages' - "Under the paving stones, the beach"

Louis Althusser

"Ideology and ideological state Apparatus" in Lenin and Philosophy

Repressive state apparatus - Army, police, prison - Keeps social structures in state

Ideological state apparatus - Mental control, church, media, school

Althusser said the students needed him to keep the revolution going because he's wise.

Ranciere slated him for it, no one agreed with Althusser.

Why have worker poets not been recognised and whats the difference?

'The distribution of the sensible'

Certain galleries will only accept certain work from certain people

Structure telling people they're different, power structures, hierarchical structures

"The ignorant Schoolmaster"

School teacher exiled from post-revolutionary France, he went Holland, only half paid because he couldn't speak Dutch. He got 2 copies (1 French, 1 Flemish) for each student and they taught themselves. They turned out better than some French.

'Universal Teaching'

'An Intellectual Adventure'

'Explication' - Explaining, stunting your learning, grooming your learning, someone more clever than you

School of the Damned - based in London, opened in 2013, students propose teachers to talk wot them. Its entirely student controlled/ autonomous - free
Human exchange of labour.

What Does Authorship Mean For Illustrators?

Author - Person who takes ownership of an idea

In this lesson we read some text written by Roland Barthes, he goes on to write about how he thinks theres no personalisation in art anymore, no hidden messages or meanings etc.

After reading the text we discussed it as a class.

How do the points he makes relate to images and specifically the discipline of illustration?

  • Cave painters - Old Painters - Modernist
  • Spend forever looking at a painting to find a meaning
  • Commercial illustration can't be meaningful in a way which shows your opinion
  • For the author its the process whereas the audience is only interested in the finished piece, they have no history.
  • Maybe not do as well as you could do as people focus more on you and not your work
What is it good for if it has no purpose?

'Style over substance"

Death of an author is because of culture change.

COP Lecture - Research and Epistemology

  • Stimulated approach
Go out and see things, libraries, talks, books, internet

  • Systematic Approach
Reflect, change, add to it

  • Intuitive approach
development subconsciously, not specifically influenced by anything, except your thoughts and basic knowledge

  • is the process of finding facts
  • is done by facts we already know
  • good research is from a lot of varied sources
  • only research when we analyse and reflect the information sourced
Primary Research
  • It hasn't existed before, targeted by a specific problem, by you.
Secondary Research
  • Information which already exists then analyse it
Quantative Research
  • Deals with facts and figures, recorded statistics, numerical.
Qualitative Research
  • Subjective, opinions, beliefs etc.
Information should be sufficient, competent, relevant and useful


Know that (theoretical)
Know where (contextual)
Know How (practical)